Fairy-teens Wiki

Tertia (Badge)Tertia - the Fairy Land's crown princess, part of Shimmer Fairy's Prophecy and her direct descendant.

In episode «Magic Chair» main heroes knew that she is crown princess.


Official site[3][]

«Harmony, order and timing fairy. The eldest of all, a leader, a tutor, kind of an elder sister.

She is very responsible, likes everything to be in order and has a perfect sense of measure and proportions.»

From Fay.net[]

«Hi, I'm Tertia – the fairy of time, and a crown princess. Most of all I like accuracy and neatness. But don't underestimate me! I'm a powerful fairy – I can freeze time or turn it backwards!»


(Much stupid grammar mistakes) The character of the Tertia varies greatly from episode to episode, Tertia is an extremely diverse character.

Most often, from the very beginning of the animated series, she is shown as a very ambitious fairy whose thoughts are occupied with opening the castle of prophecy. She does not take the main characters seriously, their interests mean nothing to her, and all her interactions are reduced only to her goal - the solution of the prophecy. It's all about the installations created in childhood by her mother - Queen Ambitia[Proof?]

The queen raised her daughter in a «black body», that is, without love and support. The Queen tried to drive her daughter into a rigid framework (Perhaps the precepts of the Shimmer Fairy), because of which the true essence of Tertia was strongly suppressed, and any manifestation of it was severely suppressed[Proof?] Such an upbringing has greatly affected her - she decides to save the world and prove to her mother that she is worth something by revealing the long-standing prophecy of her great relative, Shimmer Fairy[Proof?]

Nevertheless, Tertia is morally immature and quite impulsive. All her anger got out in the episode «Magic Chair». She could not believe that she was an evil fairy, because she wanted the best for the Fairy. After a strong explosion of emotions, a new character wakes up in her soul - a part of her personality[Proof?]

Sometimes Tertia is caring. This was shown in the series «Fanty Rushes to Rescue». After the main characters talk about the holiday spent by Granny, she quickly calms them down and says that everything can still be fixed. In the series «Candies with Whim» she was shown romantic. Tertia also loves waltzes. In the episode «Noonday Charm», she shows the decision to rewind the events of the series and force Kate's mother to let her daughter go to a party. Esthy called this decision «Real royal»

The exception is the events of the episode «How to Improve a Fairy», where she was shown a little "dog" after the work of «Perfectum Mobile», which is why all her upbringing-set attitudes flew off, and she began to behave frivolously and irresponsibly. Perhaps, according to the creators, it was a manifestation of her true essence[Proof?]

in the official sources was mentoried that Tertia - «is a real intrigant! She is manipulative with others, tends to hold back the truth and use others secretly»[4]Such behavior in the series wasn't particularly noticed.

Parts of Tertia's personality[]

Parts of Tertia's personality were first shown in the series «Magic Chair». According to the official interpretation of the events of the series, Tertia was severely depressed after the events of the «The Labyrinth of Shimmer Fairy» episode and because of this she manifested parts of her personality. The Magic Chair only enhanced this effect.

At the end of the series, both parts of the personality are held hands, which symbolizes the reunion of all parts of the character's personality and the revival of Tertia to life. Due to the meaning of the word subpersonality, it will be used on wiki to refer to these characters.

The "Warm'[]

Part of Tertia's personality ("Warm")
"Warm" subpersonality is the supporting part of the personality. She was constantly trying to convince Tertia herself of her good side. At the end of the series, she did it thanks to the words of the Fanty.

The "Cold"[]

Part of Tertia's personality ("Cold")

The "Cold" subpersonality is most likely the embodiment of the complexes of the Tertia. It was her that the "warm" subpersonality tried to convince to get out of the effect of the Magic Chair.

Given the mentions of this part of the personality in official sources and the attitude of the "Warm" subpersonality towards it, this may be the embodiment of the Tertia as a whole, and not just a complex.

  • Subpersonality is a term in psychology denoting parts of a person's personality.
    • However, officially these heroes are called - parts of the personality of the Tertia.
  • The names of subpersonalities are not official. They were invented by one of the colonels of the animated series - Pavel Petrov[Proof?]
  • According to «Agama Films» parts of Tertia's personality are her likeness. Therefore, their appearance doesn't match the original[Proof?]


This patrition is not finished.

Spectrum of used spells[]

  • Fairy of the Moment spell - Tertia may to stop events for a short time.
  • Spiral of Time - Tertia can to abrogate events of the latest hour and only Tertia retain all abrogated events.
  • Doughnut magic (3rd magic level) - magic, which may to generate edible donuts.
  • Washing spell
  • Restoring spell
  • Impersonation magic - Tertia can to impersonation in others fairies and choose her woice
  • Flowering spell (8th magic level)
  • Calling spell (8th magic level)
  • Vanishing spell (8th magic level)
  • Restoring spell
  • Bereaving voice spell


  • Standard abilities of fairy - ability to talk to animals, insects and birds; fly; move objects by the power of thought; expand the area. Also, Tertia has protection against the evil eye.
  • Washing the dishes - Tertia mentioned that she regarded to wash like a interesting case[Source?] after episode «New Dress for Esthy» she decide to refuse such spells and wash dishes independently[5]


You need the article about the Tertia's house in Fay.net?

Tertia's house (Outside)

Tertia lives in a clock that's made with light colors. Insider interior uses brown colors and a huge number of dials.

This is the only house in the series (not in the game), which isn't in Kate's room.

  • Some of the dials in Tertia's house are upside down. This is a Portal Clocks that allows you to move to any point of the house where there is a clock[6]
    • The portal clocks were used by Dreammy, Letty, DiGit and Eclair in 21 episode to come into Tertia's house. This suggests that any fairy can use this magic.
  • This is the only house that does not use "petals" at the entrance. According to the creators of the animated series, "petals" are needed for beauty, no more[Proof?]


Main characters[]

At the beginning of the animated series, Tertia treats the main characters with some disdain, she considered them only external stimuli that distract her from the highest goal. Tertia often shrugs off their questions, does not understand their interests (Tertia's refusal to let Dreammy go to the cinema), and commits actions that betray her possible secrets (Deceiving Letty and Esthy with documents about the prophecy, stealing the moon book). Letty found the mentor too suspicious, and therefore, from the beginning of the 17th episode, she began an investigation in which all the main characters participated. In 23th episode, they found out about her involvement with the royal family, and in episode 25, they found out about the prophecy of the Shimmer Fairy.

Nevertheless, in some series, Tertia shows her love (From the official description of the events of the episode «Magic Chair» and the her phrases at the end of the series «Candies with Whim») and a warm attitude (The episode «Fanty rushes to the rescue») to them. She takes care of the fairies with great love and trembling[Proof?]

Queen Ambitia[]

Not much is known about their relationship. It is known that the queen brought up her daughter very strictly, which created nervousness and complexes in the latter. In the episode «The Prophecy of Shimmer Fairy, Ambition issued a decree on the release of the princess, despite her crimes before Fairy Land.

Quotes and phrases[7][]

Favorite phrases[]

«Broken clock!»
— First appearance in episode «...»
«Watchies whellies!»
— First appearance in episode «...»
«Broken deal!»
— First appearance in episode «...»
«Bent clock hand!»
— First appearance in episode «...»



A real fairy...[]

«...is always unique.»
Letty's Best Friend ( min)
«...can cope with any situation.»
— ...
«...is not afraid of difficulties.»
Catcher of Fear ( min)
«...faces all the obstacles bravely»
New Dress for Esthy ( min)

Fairytastic facts (Trivia)[]

  • Her full name - Tepsichore Eva Rolgardina Tsirclia... I Am[8]
    • Terpsichore is a character of the Greeks' mythology, muse of dance.
  • Her favorite genre of music is Romantic classics[9]
  • She and Fanty have a birthday on the same day[10]
    • By the way, the time of year during which Fanty and Tercia's birthday is Autumn[Proof?]
  • Tertia has never been publicly shown, which is why the main characters do not recognize her as a princess[Proof?]
  • Before, in one of the official Engish trailers was a differ variant of her name - Tercia.
  • One of her original names, «Ithakdalia» (Итагдалия), comes from russian «I tak dalee», that means «et cetera».
  • Russian fans calls Tertia also as «Terpsichora» or «Tertsovka»


Language Official name Liter meaning
Russian Терция


Third (diatonic scale) (1st meaning)
English Tertia Born third (Latin name)
German Tertia -


Characters navigation[]

Series' characters
Princess TertiaDreammyLettyEsthyFanty
Secondary EclairDiGitLetty's cloneBootyMagic Chest (character)LettyphoneInfusoria • Royal Palace's Guards (GuardessGuard) • Tertia's helperShimmer FairyGnomeMidnight fairy-teen
Background GrannyHuman familyFanty's parentsCompassa and Storm (Letty and Esthy's parents)
Волшебные существа Unnecessary words • (Midnight world: Fear)