Fairy-teens Wiki

Esthy (Badge)Esthy – the popular fairy beauty and science blogger, likes beauty, elves and other "girly" things. The Letty's opposite, also her sister.


From official site [4][]

Beauty, aesthetics and crafts fairy.

She is responsible for revitalizing aesthetical beauty of an object as well as for harmony and atmosphere in the house. She brings beauty to the world and may change the look of things.

A wayward girl of 10-11, puff-box is her main magical accessory.»

From Fay.net[]

«Hi, I'm Esthy, the fairy of beauty. What I like most of all is reading glamor magazines, following fashion trends, and listening to FayNet news. And of course I do love to party and dance! My point is that everything should be beautiful and fairytastic!»


Beauty of the main heroes' team. Likes pinky things, fashion magazines, dresses. Kind, but fearful, vulnerable and romantic, her self-assessment depends on others' attitude. When they don't pay attention to her, Esthy consider herself ugly.

Esthy is lazy and also she doesn't like work hard, she usually think that her sister Letty must help her in any case.

Blogger career[]

She is popular beauty and science[5] blogger in Fay.net. Her ideas earn a lot of likes, some fairies liked Dreammy phrases (even Play-Fay company made «Bald Hedgehogs»). Also she writes posts about her friends and wiki editors can say: thanks to Esthy and her idea about Dream creation master classes.

Her ideas earn a lot of likes, but one idea needs a different story: elf Tsir interested in her Spiral Curlies, and he asked Esthy for using this magic with references to true author, and Esthy cheerfully agreed.



  • Healing spell (5th magic level)
  • Binding spell (15th magic level)
  • Flowering spell (8th magic level)
  • Forever dirty dishes
  • Spiral hair (spiral magic) – the popular hair of Fairy Land, even elf hairdresser Tsir asked Esthy for using this magic, of course, with name of author.


  • Standard abilities of fairy - Ability to talk to animals, insects and birds; fly; move objects by the power of thought; expand the area. Also, the Esthy has protection against the evil eye.
  • Sewing
  • Earthquaks – the power of Esthy's squealing
  • Powder case – Esthy makes items more beautiful, fixes downsides of appearance and makes simple decorations with power of her powder.
  • Froze patterns – Esthy made them in the 13tg episode.


Esthy's house (Outside)

The little pinky Dollhouse


  • Esthy's wardrobe is endless[6]



It is hard to say about their relations before episode «Magic Chair» episode. After Tertia's confession of her Royal origin, Esthy started to ask her about castle and royal life. In 26th episode, Esthy guarded Tertia with others.

Relations with the best friends[]

Esthy often thinks of herself as unimportant if others don't pay attention to her. However, Esthy's best friends values her as she is.

It is worth mentioning relations with Letty and where the sisters differ in their hobbies and interests. Letty loves science and doesn't understand the meaning of beauty. Esthy can't understand the importance of Letty's inventions. After episode «They Swapped Places» Esthy loves science experiments and Letty understands all the worth of beauty.


Esthy doesn't like Eclair as a person but she is attracted by his popularity and attractiveness. Moreover, she is worried that Dreammy and Letty have elf friends and she doesn't. That's why from time to time she flirts with Eclair a little. However, this is not serious. She is a good friend and would never get in the way of Dreammy's feelings.


She was trying to showed him her beauty.

Quotes and phrases[]

Favorite phrases [7][]

— First mention is «Storm at Home» (8:42 min)
— Appearances in some episodes.
— Appearances in some episodes.


«Young girls only need pretty dresses. And I thought, if a dress was sparkly then she wouldn't be afraid to go to new school anymore»
Storm at Home (3:14 min)

Fairytastic facts (Trivia)[]

  • She loves pop music and is familiar with Eclair hits[8]
  • Engaged in aerobics[Source?]
  • In the Russian version of the series, it has one voice actor with Letty (Tatiana Abramova), what's interesting, they are twin sisters.


Language Official name Literal meaning
Russian Бусинка


The bead
English Esthy (Aesthetic) Abridgment of the word «Aesthetic»
German Perla The bead


  1. (En) Esthy's age
  2. (En) Magic gift classification
  3. (En) How fairytastic!
  4. (En) Description from official site (old, not actual, russian version was changed)
  5. «They Swapped Places» episode, the twenty sisters' speaking about their impersonation experience
  6. (En) Endless wardrope
  7. Some of Esthy's phrases (01.17.2021)
  8. (En) Esthy's favourite music

Characters navigation[]

Series' characters
Princess TertiaDreammyLettyEsthyFanty
Secondary EclairDiGitLetty's cloneBootyMagic Chest (character)LettyphoneInfusoria • Royal Palace's Guards (GuardessGuard) • Tertia's helperShimmer FairyGnomeMidnight fairy-teen
Background GrannyHuman familyFanty's parentsCompassa and Storm (Letty and Esthy's parents)
Волшебные существа Unnecessary words • (Midnight world: Fear)