Fairy-teens Wiki

Dreammy (Badge)Dreamy - professional Moon language translator and close friend of one of the most popular star of Fairy Land (eclair) , fond of artifacts and ancient stories. Edited by- Unknown


From official site[3][]

«Dreams fairy.

Deals with dreams and daydreams, rules the moods and emotions. Possesses great intuition, but often behaves defiantly.

A teen of 13-14, fully devoted to her hobby “Dream creation” (like video clip).»

From Fay.net[]

«Hi, I'm Dreammy, the fairy of dreams. Most of all I like to listen to music, make fun of my friends, and play with the dreamgraph, a device that creates dreams. I'm really into ancient stuff and legends. Also I'm interested in the night world and moon magic!»


Two personalities were showed in Dreammy: usually she is stubborn, sarcastic, and provocative loner, which uses modern words and her special phases formed by all variations of word «Fairy». Dreammy's is very independent and fearless. She likes black humor (yes).

Maybe, Dreammy have a high moral values like Fanty, because effect of Shoes of Omnipotence didn't work in her.

The second subersonality is a romantic and dreamful fairy, her honest love to Eclair does wonders, Dreammy also jealous, this characteristic became as the reason for their short breakup with Eclair.


Moon spells[]

  • Hypnotic magic (Spiral magic) - the absolutely new Moon spell in history! Hypnotizes everyone who is nearby
  • Love spell
  • Relocation space
  • Summoning creatures from Nightmare world
  • Space distortion - she made Kate's room like the Earth from space.


  • Cancelling spell - Dreammy can to cancel unnecessary spells (Even Moon spells!)
  • Protecting wall (15th magic level)
  • Burning spell (15th magic level)
  • Magic sphere (Unworked) - she was trying to create work sphere for flying to the cinema with Eclair. Spoiler: nothing succeeded.


  • Creating dreams - skill, which was gifted to Dreammy by nature.
  • Moon language knowledge - Dreammy deciphered absolutely dead Moon language. She is able to read and, probably, speak on it.
  • Standard abilities of fairy - Ability to talk to animals, insects and birds; she able to fly; move objects by ; expand the area. Also, Dreammy has protection against the evil eye.
  • Talking with shadows - the nature possibility of the dreams fairies, they able to talk with human shadows
  • Putting to sleep - Dreammy songs a lullaby and it's puts
  • Creating Moon bubbles - sometimes Dreammy's thoughts are illustrated with Moon bubbles.
  • Interacting with emotion atmosphere, fantasies and dreams


You need the article about Dreammy's house in Fay.net?

Dreammy's house (Outside)

Dreammy lives in a bedside lamp (A night light), it's made in purple tones.

  • In one Instagram posts «Agama Films» admitted that one is Dreammy's is pillows on her bed was created specially for fans who fantasized a frog and believe that Dreammy is friends with her[4]



Dreammy and Eclair have a mutual sympathy, which often shows in series.

Although, Eclair very pathetic and narcissistic, with Dreammy he shows a good side of his character: a Fairytastic friend and hero, which always ready to help.

After his dance with Esthy in 22th episode, Dreammy offended and because of it they broke up for a while.


She didn't like Tertia because of her strictness and her finding fault in Dreammy's studying. In 26th episode Dreammy protected Tertia from Royal Guard with others.

Best friends[]

Dreammy usually teases and jokes with they (especially with Esthy). Also she able to help them in a scary situations.


Favorite phrases[5][]

«Fairy Hairies»
— Appears in some episodes
«Fairy fail»
— Appears in some episodes
«Fairum scarum»
— First appearance in «Storm at Home» episode (3:04 min)
«Spysty faisty»
— First appearance in «Magic Chest» episode (6:44 min)
«Fairy canairy»
— Appears in some episodes
— First appearance in «Amulet of Fortune» (3:25 min)
«Stop pythagoring»
— Dreammy to Letty


Fairytastic facts (Trivia)[]

  • He loves listening to Heavy rock[6]
  • In 1st and 2nd episodes the 3D model of Dreammy looks different (See Dreammy/Gallery)
  • Dreammy the most popular character among Russian fandom.
  • Favorite sport: yoga, and also likes to rollerblade, skateboard and bike[7]
  • Dreammy does master classes about Dream creation[8]


Language Official name Literal meaning
Russian Дрёма


English Dreammy -
German Schlummerette Slumbering



Series' characters
Princess TertiaDreammyLettyEsthyFanty
Secondary EclairDiGitLetty's cloneBootyMagic Chest (character)LettyphoneInfusoria • Royal Palace's Guards (GuardessGuard) • Tertia's helperShimmer FairyGnomeMidnight fairy-teen
Background GrannyHuman familyFanty's parentsCompassa and Storm (Letty and Esthy's parents)
Волшебные существа Unnecessary words • (Midnight world: Fear)